Monday 3 April 2017

I must do something. But what?

Are you with me? Have you learnt the secret which few people know? Have you learnt that two parallel worlds exist? There is one which most people believe in. In that world, polls work, economic activity can be forecasted, prices go down in a recession, world events are not so interconnected that emergent surprises like millions of refugees suddenly arriving on your shores without warning occur. In that world investment leads to business growth and business valuation is linked to performance. Young people look for long term careers in big corporates. And the boss's KPIs make sense because they can set meaningful one year budgets and know how the market place behaves. Most people understand and recognise the rituals and tools of this world and have accumulated the requisite 10,000 hours in it to make them expert.
And then there is a second parallel world. The real world. The one which came into being at midnight whilst everyone was asleep and so no one noticed it starting.
If you're not sure which world you think is in operation you can test yourself by tracing the numbers from 1 to 22 in the BubbleDiagram which explains, "Why you have too much work!" (If you did your homework from my previous blog this will be extra fun)
Problem is you are probably in denial, or your logical brain has been turned off by all the surprises and at worst you are making up fake justifications and accepting as fact things which are not true just to support your world view and cognitive dissonance
Don't worry, I can help you accelerate how to thrive in this 'World of Apparent Chaos'

STEP ONE - Make time to change

Don't Panic! leaflet has tips and tricks on how to beat the 'time stealers'. I need you to to be able to carve out or find an extra hour per week reliably going into the foreseeable future. Once you have that then we can talk 'change'.
Habit forming
To make this stick in your brain, I'm going to make you put some effort in to doing something. Print out double sided the file here - Why print? Because I want you to have a physical copy. Now I need you to decide on your 'trigger' so perhaps put it on your screen so every-time you turn to your screen, there it is, or put it in the pocket or wallet where you keep your money so every-time you pay for something, there it is, or attach it with an elastic band to the back of your iPad... Get the idea?
Before you can change successfully you need space, time and fuel for change

You must get on QUBE because you will meet people who are on a similar journey


UNCERTAINTY - The leadership and strategic mind-set and toolkit to help you navigate the current global uncertainty.
COLLABORATION - Working Out Loud - Making the most of digital opportunities to collaborate and engage.
METAMORPHOSIS - Transforming your incumbent/legacy organisation to outperform digital disruptors.
AGILITY - Successful and fast delivery of 'foggy' change in a turbulent business environment.
PERSUASION - Innovative Leadership in Complex Times - A master class in how to get just about anyone to follow you doing something new.

HUMAN-MACHINE - Visions and strategies for the future of work in a world where machines are stronger and smarter than us.

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